Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Oscars

I watched the Academy Awards tonight, and found them quite entertaining. I've never really been into awards shows, but this one had me as soon as Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and John C. Reilly performed an hilarious singing trio. The one film above all others that was recognized tonight that should be seen "by all humanity" is "An Inconvenient Truth." This examination and explanation of the Global Warming Crisis is important for all generations to understand as we move forward in hope of building a better world.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Til Death Do Us Part

Amazing Skeletons

Here's an article on two skeletons from 5,000-6,000 years ago that apparently died holding each other in an eternal embrace. It's a very amazing find, and the photo (left) is incredible. This gives a visual and lasting feeling of how powerful the human emotion of love is.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Blogging friend

Much love to BK.

Check out his blog


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Futbol For All Humanity

I tried to post a video of Ronaldinho, but I had to redo my entire blog. We'll see if the video shows up anytime soon. Until then, Happy Valentine's Day!!

Because Futbol is a sport For All Humanity

Ronaldinho traps this cross off his chest and then one-time bicycle kicks it. Pretty awesome goal. The kind that keeps you up at night dreaming. Or as electric as a hair dryer being thrown in a bathtub (according to the commentator). When I played soccer in Las Vegas, Honduras we had yellow Brazilian look-alike jerseys. That's about as close to Ronaldinho as I can come! Enjoy the clip!