Thursday, October 25, 2007

Rajio Taiso - Radio Calisthenics

I did this every morning for three weeks in the summer of 2000 at the Missouri Scholars Academy. I think I'm going to start again, it's a great way to start the day.

Yo hice los ejercicios por la mañaña durante el veraño del año 2000, en la Academia Escolar del estado Missouri. Quiero empezar otra vez de nuevo.

Friday, September 21, 2007

“Our parents had to fight for where they sat on the bus. Now we have to fight for where we sit in the courtroom."

“I think this is the beginning of the 21st century civil rights movement. Every generation has to fight its issue; the issue is equal protection under the law. These thousands of people that have come, are not coming because anybody could waive a magic wand, it resonates with them because their nieces their nephews their sons and daughters have faced this. And I think that we must realize t when the DA despite all of this walks out in front of the courthouse yesterday, it’s a 21st century of them walking out in front of the courthouse fifty years ago, when our fathers were marching. So, our fathers faced Jim Crow, we face James Crow Junior Esquire, he’s a little more polished, but he’s the same guy. Because even though the community said, “we’re not like that”, Did you see them hanging the confederate flag signs in front of houses, are they telling them to take them down? It’s not about, “we’re not coming out today and marching with us;” it’s about they should have come out and said, “How do we have a tree in this town black kids can’t sit under?” They were silent then and they’re being silent now. We say, you should come out and join us, black and white. I was glad to see a lot of whites in the parking lot, because this is America saying we can’t go back to those days.”

-Rev. Al Sharpton speaking in reference to the civil rights demonstration in Jena, Louisiana for the Jena 6. The story is being carried by all major media outlets.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Very Inspiring

Well worth the time to understand what the next industrial evolution will be like.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Be Free

Sometimes the best way to do things is your way, sometimes it is someone else's way. The important thing is that we discuss with each other and have a pool of ideas to use, analyze, discuss, and see which is best. Other people's thoughts and ideas are simply perspectives just like your own. Feel what is inside and be who you are, how can natural be wrong?

Be Free...

-Alex Palmer

Friday, August 03, 2007


When the world economy and trade rewards giving more than taking it may become, finally, in essence, an ethical system.
-Brian Schwadron

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Breathe For All Humanity

As the contents of air pass around the world in the jetstreams above us, we are witness to a fabulous cycle which has supported life on earth: air. The atmosphere around us has been shared by our ancestors, from prehistoric predecessors to those just a few generations ago. Scientific people explain the mystical respiration process as oxygen entering our lungs, giving us energy and leaving as carbon dioxide. What the casual scientific observer doesn't reflect upon is that we are all breathing in this world at the same time, the same air, the same air dinosaurs breathed ages ago, still cycling and filtering within our atmosphere. Air is a spectacular substance, allowing light to travel through it, and passing sound on as well. The air is the main medium that all people interact with during life. So, next time you take a breath of air, think of the lungs that air may have been in before. Consider that even those you have come to know as enemies are sharing this air with you. We are all caught up in this fabulous, complex, and amazing cycle together: breathe for all humanity.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

This is the address of the newest web based efforts of For All Humanity. It is video clips that fit the general themes of the organization and are pretty cool. There are some real neat videos posted here already and I plan to keep updating both sites. You can find a link to the videos on the right side of the page.

Video Clips For the Enjoyment of All Humanity

Check it out, I hope you enjoy. One measure of a website's success is the number of "click thrus" so be sure to check out comments, post comments (allowed w/o any sign up), check out the official site, and to just live For All Humanity. More than ever, day after day, the causes that unite mankind in having to preserve the environment in which we live cause us to be interdependent upon each other for the survival of all humans.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dave Chapelle’s Block Party, minute 4:10

Most High we thank you just for being here with us
We thank you for this day G_d
The sun is shining, they said it was supposed to rain
But, G_d you lettin your face show that you want us here
You want every soul here right now
We thank for this message that you’re sending through all these people
We thank you for bringing Dave to bring us together
We dream this day and we ask that you
Just utilize our souls and our spirits
And our voices to glorify you in all that we do
We don’t forget people that’s poor
We don’t forget those that’s at war right now
We don’t forget our comrades in prison
We don’t forget our children G_d
And we prayin' that you can just be through us
And live through us
So that we can raise our people up
And raise ourselves up
And we put you first in all we do
And um, just bless the energy of us
And the people out there
Allow your message to speak through us (Amen)
In the name of J_sus,
In the name of A_lah,
In the spirit of the ancestors
Amen. Asheikum.

*I went back and edited this post because I want it to be clear that For All Humanity does not hold any religious affiliations. I think sometimes the language used in the blog could potentially cause confusion as to the non-profit services which the organization is formed to serve under our articles of incorporation in the state of Missouri. The general sentiment expressed in the speech which is written above, was one which I felt showed that people are willing to work with each other across multiple faiths to come together. In this instance, (Dave Chappelle's Block Party) it was people coming together for music and comedy, two very worthwhile and stress relieving elements of life. There are so many causes which will require people to rise up arove boundaries which previously have divided us. Barriers which in the past have divided us (politics, religion, mountains, languages, cultural peculiarities) can be transformed to rallying points. All people may take part in each of these arenas, and a full spectrum of all opinions will naturally always occur. Ensuring that the ideological differences do not result in physical harm (as has been the long standing historical trend), or that today's battles do not spiral into the complete destruction of the human race due to inability and incompetency in coming together on key issues that are challenges for all societies in the Era and context of Globalism is a central challenge in today's world. For All Humanity is a voice of hope, and sensibility about easy ways for us all to make a meaningful impact in answering the challenges of the modern era. One of the greatest challenges is raising the common moral fiber of all people on this planet to eliminate the injustices which pervade our systems of life. Well, you see, the spirit of working together is what For All Humanity exudes. Including these words on a non-profit, internationally focused blog should not detract from the all inclusive sentiments and intent of this movement.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

To sin by silence, when we should protest
Makes cowards out of men. The human race
has climbed on protest. Had no voice been raised
Against injustice, ignorance, and lust,
The inquisition yet would serve the law,
And guillotines decide our least disputes.
The few who dare, must speak and speak again
To right the wrongs of many. Speech, thank G_d,
No vested power in this great day and land
can gag or throttle. Press and voice may cry
Loud disapproval of existing ills;
May criticise oppression and condemn
The lawlessness of wealth-protecting laws
That let the children and childbearers toil
To purchase ease for idle millionaires.

Therefore I do protest against the boast
Of independence in this mighty land
Call no chain strong, which holds one rusted link
Call no land free, that holds one fettered slave.
Until the manacled slim wrists of babes
Are loosed to to toss in childish sport and glee
Until the mother bears no burden, save
The precious one beneath her heart, until
God's soil is rescued from the clutch of greed
And given back to labor, let no man
call this the land of freedom

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


"I am on a voyage of discovery. I search for those of you who will go on a great adventure. I am looking for you, one of the audacious few, who will face life courageously, ready to strike straight at the heart of anything that is keeping you from your best; you intrepid ones behind whom the world moves forward." -William H. Danforth

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Found in Guatemala

Carmen Sandiego, I mean, Brian Schwadron is currently in Guatemala. I talked with Brian on the phone last night and we are both dedicated to continually increasing the scope of For All Humanity and our capacity to be a significant social organization that responds to the ongoing changes in the world. In the near future, you can expect to see updates to our website, a monthly newsletter, and the opportunity to make a tax-deductible contribution to support worthy causes. For now, here's a picture of Brian (sipping drink) in Guatemala!

Monday, May 07, 2007

3 Kierkegaard Quotes

I'm currently reading a paper on Existentialism, and was looking up some quotes online. I had to post these three quotes...

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced."

and my personal favorite:

"If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of potential - for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints; possibility never."

These are all quotes from Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855).

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Planet Earth

Have you seen the new TV series called Planet Earth? If so, you know it's amazing. If not, it's something you would love to see. If you are reading this blog, this show is for you.

Planet Earth Website

The series is kind of like March of the Penguins on Steroids. It's a Landmark Series event and through it Discovery Channel is positioning themselves as the #1 non-fiction media company in the world. It's a great strategic move on their part, and they deserve the title for the amazing job they've done capturing the rarest of environmental phenomena and natural life onto film. Not just film, but HD, slo-mo, underwater, hot air balloon shots, helicopter, hikes through mountains, burying yourself in the heat, you name it, their camera men did it!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day

Today was Earth Day. I hope that people took the opportunity to appreciate this amazing environment that we interact with and depend upon.

On July 7, 2007 (7-7-7), there will be an international event in 7 cities on 7 continents called Live Earth. It is being set up by the same management team that did Live Aid and Live 8. This event is focused on the environment and will coincide with many launches of environmental initiatives and campaigns. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Campaign Funds

First, if you are a US citizen that earns wages, did you file your taxes?
If so, you could have given $3 to support campaigns, or something like that.

What I wanted to post was something I learned today in the Wall Street Journal. Financial Institutions on Wall Street were the largest source of campaign donations in the early part of the 2008 race. Hilary Clinton and Rudolph Giuliani were the top recipients of this cash.

**For All Humanity does not hold any political views, or endorse any political candidates.**

From Brody Mullins and Dean Treftz's April 17th WSJ article:

"Corporations are limited to relatively small direct donations to candidates from their political-action committees. But employees of companies can give up to $2,300 to a candidate per election. There is no limit on how many company employees can give to a candidate.

"Wall Street has historically been the largest single source of political contributions, so candidates who can successfully raise money there often have more resources to fund their campaigns than other rivals. Donations from financial-services firms could be even more important during the 2008 presidential campaign as employees of hedge funds and private-equity firms begin opening up their wallets.

"Indeed, each of the top 10 sources for political donations in the first quarter were financial-services companies and their employees, according to PoliticalMoneyLine, a nonpartisan research firm that tracks campaign contributions."

*Personally I found this interesting. I was a political science undergraduate major, and now am a business graduate student. I have been aware of and studied the interplay between private sector business and public sector governance. This has fueled my passion to understand both systems and better the world for all humanity.*

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hey There

This is a cool music video. I really like the general tone of the song, and it's set in Chicago which is cool.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Economic Vision (Why I went to B School)

It is possible to envision a world in which consumers and producers are cross-connected through global business to create economic growth. This is already occurring. If businesses themselves work responsibly to follow ethical and financial guidelines even stronger than those imposed by governments, then the independent economic network has more power of regulation and control over procedural issues. (For example, if Company A pays higher than minimum wage, then a congressional increase of the minimum wage would not effect Company A.) Therefore, the higher standard level (including interest rate regulation and larger, macro-economic concepts) could be achieved through non-governmental means. The independence could theoretically extend into areas such as money supply where the government and The Fed currently dominate (levels of private cash exchange rival those of the government). Finally, if the more independent economic network is reliable and growing (which naturally occurs through businesses holding higher standards) certain government functions would become redundant and those resources could be reallocated towards servicing national debt, thereby improving the overall domestic financial security while simultaneously building greater international economic policies for businesses.

Basically, if businesses regulate themselves (rather than Congressional Legislation such as Sarbanes-Oxley being necessary) then all of the economy would be more transparent and fair. This is, however, highly difficult to achieve because of the concentration of wealth seeks to impose greater barriers to wealth accrual (rich get richer, poor get poorer). The most wealthy people may believe they are receiving maximum benefit from the current scheme and be therefore reluctant to envision a way in which their benefit is obtained simultaneously with the benefit of others. (Yet, many of the most well off do a lot to give back and help out. Organizations just like For All Humanity often rely on the short term generosity of the top tier of financial wealth to improve long term overall cultural and spiritual health.) It is possible to envision a global economy in which sweatshops and poor working conditions simply do not exist because of the higher ethical standards that companies, consumers, and producers become aware of to demand a higher standard. Only once there is more awareness of the intricate relation of market demand with the overall characteristics of the market place will the higher standard exist in reality. This movement is beginning to appear with distinct trade marks such as Fair Trade products, sweatshop-free clothes, RainForest Alliance, Organic farming (and many more!).

So, overall, there is plenty of reason for hope. The greatest hope is if responsible business can regulate itself. Unfortunately, global governments have historically become instruments of unethical profit schemes (they are many in form: embezzlement, corruption, or granting contracts without competition to name a few). So, a greater awareness on the individual level is necessary, and the internet improves the access to information for all people. Again, plenty of reason for hope. Now, if I could just use my computer without burning coal for electricity and contributing to global warming (one challenge at a time!).

**** Definitely read the comments on this one. My friend Matt, who I met in St. Louis through Brian Schwadron, makes some excellent assertions. The vision I hold is a long run thought and this string is worthy of comment from many more people!****

Monday, April 02, 2007

An Incovenient Truth

This Trailer is a bit overdone at the beginning. The movie it promotes "An Inconvenient Truth" is very well made and worth seeing.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sweet Video, e-mail me for a copy

I just made a pretty sweet video using the For All Humanity logo, satellite shots of the globe, some pictures, some drawings, and a song by Guster. If anyone would like to see it, please get in touch with me, or make a comment on this post. I'd post it directly, but it's technically a powerpoint presentation not a video. Hopefully, we will make a version that can be posted directly online, but I haven't gotten that far yet! I'll post a couple still frames!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

COFFEE For All Humanity

VIDEO Starbucks Purchasing Policy In Ethiopia
VIDEO Starbucks cont.

These are really interesting videos made by a Starbucks bruista. She had been fired for her efforts to create a SBux Workers' Union, and then they had to rehire her legally. It's very interesting to hear her narration, the corporate Starbucks press conference and the perspective of the coffee growers cooperative in Ethiopia all in this 10 minute piece.

I also want to mention my friend Sine Bernahu whom hand-roasts-over-fire(TM) Ethiopian Tana Coffee in St. Louis. She is a very nice woman, and I believe now is offering a fine line of dips.

Finally, ( at the top) I am posting 2 pictures of my coffee growing friends in Honduras. The coffee growers and workers formed a cooperative called "Cooperative 25 de Julio." They produce certified Organic coffee in the mountains of Las Vegas en el distrito Yoro de Honduras. The top picture is the a processing site, and also a nursery. The bottom picture is an actual coffee plant growing in the mountain-side shade.

Friday, March 23, 2007

New Page Element

Check out the very bottom of the page. I just added a little box from a site called zfacts. It has running headlines and facts. While politics is not at all the focus of For All Humanity, I do think most people are interested in the truth in this region as the identity of global culture is being formed.

Two short videos for your perusal

VIDEO Rep. Charles Gonzalez paid attention when Dick Cheney said, in 1991, that putting a government in place in Iraq would be next to impossible.

In other news, Goalkeeper VIDEO Paul Robinson scored a goal as Tottenham beat Watford this week. The goal was similar to what happened to PNH goalkeeper Sean Brennan as they lost their district game in 2001!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Angolan Oil (and small tangential rant)

Recently, I've been studying the International Monetary Fund, and their role in assisting developing economies in my International Business class. Most countries actively seek monetary support from the IMF and borrow cash on interest to make investments in their economy. Yesterday, I heard on the radio that Angola is actually cutting off all their ties with the IMF, which I found to be interesting. The basic reason that Angola does not need the IMF is oil money. "This year alone, Angola expects to produce 585m barrels of oil, worth over $30bn (23bn euros) - more than the entire Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development aid to the whole of Africa in 2006."
So, I started thinking about how much money there really is in oil. I couldn't help but to think of how oil industry executives have been able to be elected into the US government throughout two decades and reap tremendous profits. Possibly, in the US, we could be facing a recession soon because the past 6 years we've been spending huge money ($409 Billion) to get secure oil reserves in Iraq (aka liberation, or occupation, or creating democracy, or civil war.... depending on your viewpoint). Now, what if this money hadn't been spent in this way?
Well, first of all, people in the Middle East would have a drastically different experience of globalization/Capital Markets/Americanization, that would probably be more beneficial to the US. But, what I am more concerned with, rather than the obvious destruction to our international image and reputation as US citizens, is the effect this spending will have on our own domestic economy.
While we were investing in old oil, because the oil companies are sitting in the White House, we could have taken the lead in the new global economy. Very simply, the environmental degradation and pollution associated with oil (think Exxon Valdez; Global Warming) will not be tolerated by market forces in the very near future. The market is clearly shifting to the type of activities that will allow for the continuation of humanity (rather than the Mutually Assured Destruction that neo-cons are attempting, or assume to be unavoidable). The people of the world do not want to fight. It is the leaders who perpetuate this, but the market forces themselves are overtaking the leaders' infrastructure (i.e. Angola). So, basically the point is this:
The US economy should have been leading the world into new greener, pollution free, technologically innovative investments for the future, but got trapped by the current administration and tricked into a bad, bad investment. The current administration is responsible for so much of the destruction of the American ideal and dream, I can't even blog about it (they are massive liars, plain and simple. It's starting to unravel with Libby convicted, but I pray the truth is revealed.) And, if you feel more "secure" because of the Patriot Act government that spies on its own citizens, and even kills its own citizens, then you should try to remove the fear being thrown at you, from the government we want to trust.

Find a way to see how peaceful life can be.
I am more free than some will ever be.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Waterfalls (a fun little poem)

Waterfalls flow from high to low
Recycling again between above and below
Collecting in pools what a beautiful scene
If you have seen this waterfall you know what I mean
With tender flows hugging the banks and curves
With smooth glistening rock peering beneath the water
The moments and sounds of pitter patter serene
Flowing and flowing on and on
Longer than these words or the computer I wrote them upon

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Oscars

I watched the Academy Awards tonight, and found them quite entertaining. I've never really been into awards shows, but this one had me as soon as Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and John C. Reilly performed an hilarious singing trio. The one film above all others that was recognized tonight that should be seen "by all humanity" is "An Inconvenient Truth." This examination and explanation of the Global Warming Crisis is important for all generations to understand as we move forward in hope of building a better world.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Til Death Do Us Part

Amazing Skeletons

Here's an article on two skeletons from 5,000-6,000 years ago that apparently died holding each other in an eternal embrace. It's a very amazing find, and the photo (left) is incredible. This gives a visual and lasting feeling of how powerful the human emotion of love is.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Blogging friend

Much love to BK.

Check out his blog


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Futbol For All Humanity

I tried to post a video of Ronaldinho, but I had to redo my entire blog. We'll see if the video shows up anytime soon. Until then, Happy Valentine's Day!!

Because Futbol is a sport For All Humanity

Ronaldinho traps this cross off his chest and then one-time bicycle kicks it. Pretty awesome goal. The kind that keeps you up at night dreaming. Or as electric as a hair dryer being thrown in a bathtub (according to the commentator). When I played soccer in Las Vegas, Honduras we had yellow Brazilian look-alike jerseys. That's about as close to Ronaldinho as I can come! Enjoy the clip!

Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, 2007

Today was a big day in my life.

In other news, the Chinese destroyed a satellite by hitting it with a missile.

On 17 January 2007 Craig Covault, writing in Aviation Week & Space Technology, reported that China conducted a successful anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons test at about 5:28 p.m. EST on 11 January 2007. A kinetic kill vehicle launched by a medium range ballistic missile destroyed an inactive Chinese weather satellite. The Chinese Feng Yun 1C (FY-1C) polar orbiting meterological satellite had been launched in 1999. The ASAT was launched from or near the Xichang Space Center, and intercepted the target at an altitude of variously reported as either 530 or 537 miles. This altitude is consistent with the operational altitudes of American and Japanese imagery intelligence satellites.

For the full story, check out:

Thursday, January 18, 2007

9/11 American Scholars Symposium Panel Discussion

This is a video from a 9/11 conference which outlines many of the basic inconsistencies between the government's story (lies) and reality. The panel includes highly credentialed 9/11 scholars, including a former Air Force General and a nuclear physicist. It was moderated by Alex Jones who is a leader in debunking government false flag terrorist incidences.