Monday, April 16, 2007

Campaign Funds

First, if you are a US citizen that earns wages, did you file your taxes?
If so, you could have given $3 to support campaigns, or something like that.

What I wanted to post was something I learned today in the Wall Street Journal. Financial Institutions on Wall Street were the largest source of campaign donations in the early part of the 2008 race. Hilary Clinton and Rudolph Giuliani were the top recipients of this cash.

**For All Humanity does not hold any political views, or endorse any political candidates.**

From Brody Mullins and Dean Treftz's April 17th WSJ article:

"Corporations are limited to relatively small direct donations to candidates from their political-action committees. But employees of companies can give up to $2,300 to a candidate per election. There is no limit on how many company employees can give to a candidate.

"Wall Street has historically been the largest single source of political contributions, so candidates who can successfully raise money there often have more resources to fund their campaigns than other rivals. Donations from financial-services firms could be even more important during the 2008 presidential campaign as employees of hedge funds and private-equity firms begin opening up their wallets.

"Indeed, each of the top 10 sources for political donations in the first quarter were financial-services companies and their employees, according to PoliticalMoneyLine, a nonpartisan research firm that tracks campaign contributions."

*Personally I found this interesting. I was a political science undergraduate major, and now am a business graduate student. I have been aware of and studied the interplay between private sector business and public sector governance. This has fueled my passion to understand both systems and better the world for all humanity.*

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