Friday, September 21, 2007

“Our parents had to fight for where they sat on the bus. Now we have to fight for where we sit in the courtroom."

“I think this is the beginning of the 21st century civil rights movement. Every generation has to fight its issue; the issue is equal protection under the law. These thousands of people that have come, are not coming because anybody could waive a magic wand, it resonates with them because their nieces their nephews their sons and daughters have faced this. And I think that we must realize t when the DA despite all of this walks out in front of the courthouse yesterday, it’s a 21st century of them walking out in front of the courthouse fifty years ago, when our fathers were marching. So, our fathers faced Jim Crow, we face James Crow Junior Esquire, he’s a little more polished, but he’s the same guy. Because even though the community said, “we’re not like that”, Did you see them hanging the confederate flag signs in front of houses, are they telling them to take them down? It’s not about, “we’re not coming out today and marching with us;” it’s about they should have come out and said, “How do we have a tree in this town black kids can’t sit under?” They were silent then and they’re being silent now. We say, you should come out and join us, black and white. I was glad to see a lot of whites in the parking lot, because this is America saying we can’t go back to those days.”

-Rev. Al Sharpton speaking in reference to the civil rights demonstration in Jena, Louisiana for the Jena 6. The story is being carried by all major media outlets.

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